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тепловой дисбаланс ротора
А.C. Гирник, А.Л. Федянин. Томский политехнический университет, Энергетический институт, Кафедра электротехнических комплексов и материалов (ЭКМ)
Опубликовано в Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal, март 2016.
An innovative technological system that provides the control process of the induction motors thermal state, when exposed to unbalanced supply voltage or power supply which can have the presence of higher harmonics frequencies and with the presence of technological defects in the rotor winding. The monitoring system calculates the temperature of the stator and the rotor on the basis of transfer functions, which take into account the impact of individual factors of low quality power supply. The calculation of the thermal state can occur in real-time.